2024 Fact Check: Introduction
About this series of infographic reports, and what I hope to accomplish
Also see:
2024 Fact Check is a series of 30 infographic reports I’ve created that will drop one per day, here and on Twitter/X and Facebook accounts, for the remaining 30 days of the election season.
Each infographic report addresses one contentious issue or popularly-accepted allegation, with deeply-researched data, but presented in a simple, visual way.
My objective
The objective of 2024 Fact Check is to help ensure that when voters enter the polling booth on November 5, 2024, they are armed with essential facts, about:
The allegations that candidates and their campaigns have made
The degree to which top-tier news organs has been doing their self-declared jobs: of providing unbiased, reliable, contextual information to the American people about these allegations, and the most contentious issues facing us
My hope
If the 2024 Fact Check infographic reports are met with the popular response that I believe they deserve, my hope is that they will act as catalysts to:
Help begin holding top-tier news organizations, and the advertisers who enable them, to account
Foster cross-partisan grassroots and advertiser support to completely re-think and re-design how our presidential debates are formatted, and how moderators are selected and held to account
If you like what you see, I invite you to (a) subscribe to this blog (below), so you will receive each new 2024 Fact Check infographic report as they are published, and share them with others (you can also do so via my feeds on Twitter/X and Facebook).
Is this a partisan effort?
No. I have never been, and am not a member of any political party. I am not just non-partisan, I am anti-partisan. I detest political parties, and the group-think and bias that being part of one almost invariably requires.
As my long-term social media followers will attest, I have been fiercely critical of both President Trump and Vice-President Harris, for many years. In fact, I lost roughly 20% of my Facebook followers in 2016 for my opposition to Trump. (I was not alone; Dr. Thomas Sowell and Mark Levin were also self-declared Never-Trumpers, even after he became the GOP nominee.)
This 2024 Fact Check report series is about one thing: Combating the metastasis of mind-boggling falsehoods and wildly decontextualized claims about the most consequential issues in this election, that have become mistakenly accepted as “facts” across a broad spectrum of the American people. I contend the evidence shows that has happened because no one has ever challenged these falsehoods in a way that:
The general public can see
The average person can quickly understand, and and efficiently verify as accurate
Since 2016 and to the present day, America’s top-tier news organs pulled out all the stops to hold President Trump to account for the statements and claims he’s made, on the pretext that they are “defending democracy.” I 100% support their vigorous efforts in this regard, whether the focus is on Trump, or any other candiate for elective office — so long as their assertions are evidence-based, and demonstrably accurate and contextual.
The problem, however, as the 2024 Fact Check series illustrates, is that these same news organs either (a) refuse to hold Biden/Harris/the DNC to account for their claims, least of all with the vigor and prominence they do regarding Trump, or (b) bury the data in a way that the average person is unlikely to ever discover it. Still worse, in a number of cases our most influential, supposedly nonpartisan “journalists” have actually joined in the effort to parrot these false or wildly decontextualized claims, because they know that in today’s left-leaning media and corporate environments, they will not pay any tangible economic or reputational price for doing so.
It is for all the above reasons that much of the 2024 Fact Check series is dedicated to debunking the false and wildly decontextualized claims about Trump that are measurable, and easily verifiable, by the reader.
What I want is for the American people to be in possession of critical facts when they enter the voting booth on November 5, not in defense of Trump, but rather, to expose things that they should have and could have known much earlier, but which the top-tier news organs refuse to inform them of, despite their knowing the reality. In this sense, I believe the evidence in the 2024 Fact Check series demonstrates that virtually the entirety of top-tier news organs are actually “meddling” in our presidential election, on behalf of Democrats alone.
Why would they do this? Only they can answer for their acts and omissions. I submit, however, that one hint can be found in the fact that of American journalists who make monetary donations to political campaigns, 96% of this cash goes to Democrats.
All this brings to mind a pivotal scene from the 1997 psychological thriller “Devil’s Advocate.” Defense attorney Keanu Reeves explains to the jury some of the reasons why he doesn’t like his client, then asks a key question: “Is not liking a man reason enough to convict him (of a crime he didn’t commit)?” (Caution: Language.)
I asked myself a similar question, regarding Trump: Is not liking him justification to sit by, idly, while the most powerful news organizations in America misinform us about essential facts regarding vital issues — and keep other critical data out of our view, in order to bolster their preferred political party’s electoral fortunes?
That question, and all the aforementioned reasons, are what spurred me to create the 2024 Fact Check infographic report series.
If you detect anything in 2024 Fact Check that you have evidence to demonstrate is inaccurate, or is not presented in the proper context, please send the information to: 2024FactCheck (at) protonmail (dot) com. I promise to read and consider each submission, and where merited, to update these reports, and make public notice of same on my Twitter/X and Facebook accounts.
The complete directory to the 2024 Fact Check infographic reports
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Two guys were debating what makes good golf.
1. It's the clubs. It's the stance. It's the swing….
2. It's where the ball lands.
Trump is "where the ball lands." Ignore the mean tweets, the feistiness, the bravado, the exaggeration. The important result is "where the ball lands."