Fact Check 9: The price of eggs dropped under Trump, but increased 218% under Biden-Harris
This fact should be common knowledge, 22 days away from the election, but it isn't. Why? And why have neither President Biden nor Vice-President Harris ever been compelled by the media to explain it?
Also see
2024 Fact Check: Introduction - by Jon Sutz
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, “Average Price: Eggs, Grade A, Large (Cost per Dozen) in U.S. City Average” report, based on US Bureau of Labor Statistics data:
If the price of eggs in a nation at peacetime skyrocketed after one presidential administration transitioned to another, and that nation had an honest, responsible news media, its citizens would be regularly informed of:
Various informed perspectives on the reasons why this is happening, why it began so quickly and prices rose so far, so fast
The candidates for re-election who designed and voted to implement the policies that led to this skyrocketing of egg prices
The policy proposals by candidates for federal and state public service, to combat this price inflation
We are not living in such a nation. The American “news” media, on whole, is so deep in the tank for Vice President Harris that they don’t even pretend to hold her to account for:
Evading the fact that by her and President Biden’s admission, she was “the last voice in the room” on all major policy decisions — meaning, no policy or proposed legislation left the White House without her explicit approval
Refusing to do interviews with anyone other than “friendly” news organizations. It should be noted that of American journalists who make monetary donations to political campaigns, 96% of this cash goes to Democrats. Along with innumerable studies from serious watchdogs showing the overwhelming leftist tilt of the most influential mainstream news media sources, Harris has good reason to view any news organization outside of Fox News is considered likely “safe” territory.
Refusing to explain, specifically, how her policies as President will combat the policies she supported as Vice-President, which led directly to the skyrocketing price of eggs.
Further, the “news” media refuses to confront her with the fact that raising taxes on “the rich” and corporations, and launching environmental regulations and disincentives to responsible land use, all contribute to increased consumer prices.
Instead, we’ve been conditioned to believe that inflation is caused by unknown factors, and basically that Trump was just lucky that he happened to serve in office during a time of low (or no) inflation.
On this basis, it’s implied that Harris should be held to a different standard than other candidates for President of the United States of America; that we should judge her by (a) her skin color, (b) the way she makes us feel, and (c) “She’s not Trump!”
Further, it is intoned to us that there is no relationship whatsoever between the policies that led to eggs more than doubling in price, in three years, and restaurant prices skyrocketing as well. “How come my Egg McMuffin used to cost $1.29, but now it’s $2.99?” Which we’re supposed to accept, on face value, because Harris is immune to substantive criticism, and we must accept her claim, at face value, that all this is due to “price gouging,” driven by “corporate greed.” (Which, as I explain here, is insanely wrong, in a market system.)
So being that reasonable, thinking people are clearly not whose interests the “news” media are serving, who is Harris’s — and her fawning “news” media’s — actual target audience?
I expand on this in the Introduction to the 2024 Fact Check.
Imagine, however, someone developing a means by which to expose to the young American above — brainwashed though she has been through 12+ years of our “educational” system, to actually believe that ‘corporate greed” leads to skyrocketing prices — to the evidence that demonstrates she’s been lied to, and manipulated, into supporting candidates for public office, and policies, that lead to the very things about which she complains?
That did so in a way that she can easily understand, relate to her own life, and validate as accurate?
That speaks to her in her language, not that of economists and grizzled, fire-breathing media personalities, who’ve existed in partisan narrative silos for so long they don’t have the faintest understanding of why she believes what she does, how she came to believe it, who peddled it to her and by what means? That she can easily share with, and help mobilize others, with the enthusiasm and confidence that an ex-smoker has, in the presence of tobacco industry lobbyists?
The primary reason a person as wretchedly incompetent and demonstrably destructive as Kamala Harris is a whisper away from being elected to the most consequential job in the world, is the lack of any serious effort to create such knowledge tools and activism strategies to accomplish the above mission (that I am aware of; if I am incorrect please advise me).
(What I’ve just described is the work of my life. Learn more here, here and here. To discuss, reach out.)
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