It’s time to stop the lie that “Hamas doesn’t represent the Palestinian people”
Western leaders keep using this lie as a pretext to give fortunes of their citizens' tax money to Palestinians - and now, to give them a "nation," that they know will be ruled by Hamas. It must stop.
For years, and particularly since 10/7, we’ve been told, “Hamas doesn’t represent the Palestinian people.” It is a lie.
The purpose of this report is to publicly present the evidence that proves this claim is a lie, summarized in an infographic slide show.
It’s time to drive a stake through the heart of this lie, before Western taxpayers are tricked into subsidizing the creation of a Hamas-ruled terrorist nation.
A summary excerpt from the infographic slide show — which shows that Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip overwhelmingly want Hamas to run their government:
The lie: “Hamas doesn’t represent the Palestinian people”
We’ve heard this claim made over and over again from government officials, news organizations, “experts” and influencers, in the days and weeks followings Hamas’s October 7, 2023 slaughter, rape and torture of more than 1,200 Jews, and the kidnapping of more than 200 more. Here are a few examples of this claim:
February 22, 2024, President Biden: “The overwhelming majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.”
October 25, 2023, President Biden: “Hamas 'does not represent the vast majority' of Palestinians in Gaza.”
October 18, 2023, President Biden: “The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.”
October 18, 2023, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “Hamas terrorists do not represent Palestinians.” And on October 22: “And the fact is, Hamas doesn't represent the Palestinian people.”
October 15, 2023, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas: “Hamas's actions don't represent Palestinians.”
October 10, 2023, Former Israeli Foreign Minister Tipsi Livni: “Hamas is not representing any Palestinian cause.”
October 10, 2023, Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister José Manuel Albares: “We cannot confuse Hamas, which is on the list of the EU’s terrorist groups, with the Palestinian population.”
Based on this claim, the US and Western European nations have been:
Pouring fortunes of their taxpayers’ money into Palestinian governments and non-governmental organizations
Pushing for the creation of a Palestinian nation, once Israel’s defensive actions against Hamas for its 10/7 slaughter come to an end
But is this claim true? Is Hamas just a fringe, ultra-violent, savage exception to mainstream Palestinian society, and its values and objectives?
No, it’s not true.
The reality is that Hamas provably represents the values and objectives of the vast majority of Palestinians, in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. As Western leaders and major influencers know, this fact has been determined in repeated surveys conducted by Palestinian research organizations, of Palestinians in both regions, before and after Hamas's 10/7 slaughter. Furthermore, they know that any democratically-elected Palestinian “government,” for the foreseeable future, will be ruled by Hamas:
Overwhelming majorities of Palestinians support Hamas’s 10/7 slaughter-rape-kidnapping of Jews, and believe it was “correct”
Most Palestinians support Hamas’s objective to destroy Israel, and reject any notion of a “two-state solution”
If a presidential election were held, Hamas’s leader would soundly defeat Fatah’s (Mahmoud Abbas)
The infographic slide show below was created to present the evidence that supports these contentions. Below the slide show are links to all the source evidence cited, along with single-frame infographics that address specific issues.
It's time to demolish the lie that "Hamas doesn't represent the Palestinian people," before the civilized world is tricked into creating a terrorist nation — the “leaders” of which have openly stated it will continue perpetrating 10/7-style murder-rape-kidnapping attacks until Israel is destroyed, and all Jews are dead.
(1) The starting point: Understanding Hamas, and its objectives and policies
(2) Surveys conducted before October 7, 2023, showed overwhelming Palestinian support for Hamas’s objectives and policies
(3) Surveys conducted after October 7, 2023 show consistent, overwhelming Palestinian support of Hamas, and its slaughter-rape-kidnapping of Jews
(4) Bonus: The Palestinian Authority is the Western-taxpayer-subsidized inciter and “sugar daddy” of Palestinian Islamist terrorism against Israel, including Hamas’s 10/7 slaughter
(5) Update 1: President Biden is considering importing Palestinians to America; Why this would be produce a clear and present danger to US national security
(6) Update 2: I was interviewed on “The Schilling Show” radio program (Charlottesville, VA) about my report
(1) The starting point: Understanding Hamas, and its objectives and policies

Hamas is a brutal Muslim supremacist (Islamist) totalitarian terrorist group, that has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, and has operated cells in Judea-Samaria (“The West Bank”) for many years. It has been a designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US since 1997, and by various W. European nations, as well.
Upon its founding in 1988, Hamas stated its objectives as being (a) to use terrorism to conquer all of the land on which Israel sits; (b) to create a totalitarian Palestinian nation, (c) to murder all Jews, and (d) to follow these objectives with a global jihad, to conquer the world for its version of its version of Islam. Hamas rejects any compromise solution with Israel, as well as the notion of any Palestinian nation existing side-by-side, in peace, with Israel. It has endlessly reaffirmed these objectives and principles over the past 35 years.
Hamas leaders have openly stated it will continue perpetrating 10/7-style murder-rape-kidnapping attacks until Israel is destroyed, and all Jews are dead.
Rather than being unique in its savagery against civilians, particularly the use of sexual violence and mutilation, Hamas’s 10/7 attack was a continuing the 1,400-year jihadist warfare mindset — to not just conquer Islam’s enemies, but to perpetrate such unspeakable atrocities that non-Muslims are terrified into submission, and force “infidel” females to “convert” to Islam. Hamas savages even took videos of their murder-rape-mutilation of Jews, some of which have been compiled here [CAUTION: Extremely graphic].
Hamas spreads an ideology throughout the Gaza Strip and the West Bank that Palestinian Muslims should love death as the Jews love life, and that their highest aspiration should be to die in the course of the jihad to destroy Israel (and eventually, conquer the world for Islam). In this regard, Hamas is indistinguishable from ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah.
Hamas’s rulers are long-known to steal billions of dollars from the humanitarian aid money that is poured into the Gaza Strip by Western taxpayers, which they squirrel away in their personal bank accounts.
The following video is a compilation of Hamas and Hamas-controlled figures (eg imams in the Gaza Strip) advocating for the extermination of Jews — all Jews, everywhere. (Note: There is an error in the captions; “Fathi Hamad” is actually Ghazi Hamad, still a senior official with Hamas, who, after 10/7, openly promised one similar attack after another until the Jews, and Israel, are annihilated.)
The following items address Hamas’s core objectives and policies, as a means of validating that significant majorities of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank support the terrorist group — including its 10/7 attack.
Preface: Video of an interview with the family of a Hamas terrorist who murdered a Jewish mother and her two young daughters, who openly praises him and claims it is Palestinian Muslims’ obligations to kill all the Jews:
Hamas, 2021: “Cut off the heads of the Jews!,” translated by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI):
"People of Jerusalem [Arab Muslims] we want you to cut off the heads of the Jews with knives. With your hand cut the artery from here to here. A knife costs five shekels. Buy a knife, put it here, cut off their heads"
Hamas: 10/7 was only the beginning; it will continue perpetrating them until it destroys Israel
VIDEO: Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: “We Will Repeat The October 7 Attack, Time And Again, Until Israel Is Annihilated; We Are Victims – Everything We Do Is Justified,” October 24, 2023. Excerpt:
“The Al-Aqsa Flood [10/7 massacre] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.”
“Nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000 – everything we do is justified."
- Ghazi Hamad, senior Hamas Official, October 23, 2023
Senior Hamas Official Osama Hamdan: I Promise That A War Of Liberation Is Coming Soon – Not Just Another October 7, translated by MEMRI, December 1, 2023. Excerpt:
Interviewer: "You said that if the Israelis would make new arrests, after all the prisoners are released from [Israeli] prisons, you would carry out another operation. So can you promise another October 7?"
Hamdan: "I can promise that a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7."
Interviewer: "In the foreseeable future?"
Hamdan: "I do not think it is far off."
- Osama Hamdan, Senior Hamas Official, November 29, 2023
Senior Hamas official: “Next Phase of the Resistance Will Be in the West Bank, This Is Our Priority,” translated by MEMRI, May 6, 2024:
"The resistance in the West Bank still has a way to go in order to restore the role it played in 2002-2003. It is capable of doing so. I believe the next phase will be the phase of the West Bank and its resistance. This is not a random analysis, but a realization of the facts on the ground, both with regard to Hamas and to the other resistance factions. This is one of our priorities in the next phase, as Palestinian resistance.”
Hamas’s objective to eradicate Jews, everywhere
Senior Hamas official calls on members of Palestinian diaspora to kill Jews: “Attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter, killing,” The Times of Israel, July 14, 2019. Excerpt:
“[O]ur brothers [in the diaspora (elsewhere in the world)] are still preparing. They are trying to prepare. They are warming up. A long time has passed with them warming up. All of you 7 million Palestinians abroad, enough of the warming up. You have Jews everywhere and we must attack every Jew on the globe, by way of slaughter and killing.”
Update: February 23, 2024: A Fatah official parrots Hamas incitement of genocide of Jews, claiming, “Hitler perpetrated the Holocaust for obvious reasons"
Hamas’s objective: The destruction of Israel, as the first step towards conquering the world for Muslim supremacists
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya Reaffirms Hamas' Commitment to Armed Resistance and Says: We Will Liberate Palestine in Its Entirety, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), December 29, 2011. Excerpt:
Hamas's objective is “to liberate the Palestinian land, from the (Mediterranean) Sea to the (Jordan) River... [W]e will continue to lead one intifada [wave of terrorism] after the other, until we liberate Palestine in its entirety.”
WATCH: Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander, The Jerusalem Post, October 9, 2023. Excerpt:
Footage of senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar calling for world domination has resurfaced online.
“We believe in what our Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends. The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me,’ Zahar said in the video that was published on MEMRI TV in December of 2022.
“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity and no killings and crimes like those being committed against the Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and other countries," he said.
(2) Surveys conducted before October 7, 2023, showed overwhelming Palestinian support for Hamas’s objectives and policies
Three surveys of Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and The West Bank, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, in March, June and September 2023, showed:
If a presidential election were held, Ismail Haniyah, the head of Hamas, would soundly defeat Mahmoud Abbas, the head of Fatah.
If a parliamentary election were held, roughly half of Palestinians would support Hamas’s candidates, and half would support Fatah’s candidates.
By 3-2 margin, Palestinians say Hamas deserves to represent them.
Like Hamas, most Palestinians support terrorism against Jews, to destroy Israel, and replace it with a Palestinian state.
Like Hamas, the vast majority of Palestinians reject any “two-state solution”
Like Hamas, 75% of Palestinians reject any notion of Jews enjoying equal rights as Muslims in the Palestinian nation that they want to replace Israel.
These findings mirror those revealed in a December 2015 survey.
Hamas also won three recent student government elections at West Bank universities over its Fatah rivals -- one in 2022 and two in 2023.
(3) Surveys conducted after October 7, 2023 show consistent, overwhelming Palestinian support of Hamas, and its slaughter-rape-kidnapping of Jews
A November 2023 survey, conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development of Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and The West Bank, revealed massive support for Hamas and its 10/7 slaughter-rape-kidnapping of Jews:
83% of Palestinians in the West Bank, and 64% in the Gaza Strip, say they support Hamas’s 10/7 attack.
62% of those in the West Bank say they have a “very positive” view of Hamas.
More than 70% of Palestinians in both regions reject any “two-state solution,” and instead want Israel destroyed, to be replaced by a Palestinian nation.
A follow-up survey, conducted in February 2024 by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, showed almost identical results: 84% of Palestinians in the West Bank, and 57% in the Gaza Strip, said Hamas's 10/7 slaughter-rape-kidnapping of Jews was "correct."
(4) Bonus: The Palestinian Authority is the Western-taxpayer-subsidized inciter and “sugar daddy” of Palestinian Islamist terrorism against Israel, including Hamas’s 10/7 slaughter
This is a big topic, and has a lot of moving parts, but the basics are as follows:
For more than 20 years, Western nations have known that both the Palestinian Authority (which rules over the West Bank) and Hamas (which rules over the Gaza Strip) use whatever money they have to:
Indoctrinate children in anti-Semitic terrorist ideology
Glorify and justify Palestinian terrorists
Provide financial rewards to (a) Palestinian terrorists who were convicted of, and imprisoned for their crimes, as well as (b) their families.
Despite knowing all this, the US and W. European governments have poured billions of dollars (taken from their taxpayers) into Palestinian “humanitarian” coffers, knowing what it is actually being used for, as opposed to its promised uses.
From 2007-2022, the US has been the world’s single largest cash donor nation to Palestinians
Chart and research by CNN, here:
It wasn’t until 2018 that the US government took its first substantive measure to stop forcing taxpayers to subsidize Palestinian terrorism, via the Taylor Force Act, which cut off US taxpayer funds from being given to these “governments” until they can demonstrate they’ve stopped using it to incite, glorify and reward terrorism. Unfortunately, President Biden began violating this law days after he was sworn into office.
Since Hamas’s 10/7 slaughter, the Biden administration has given Palestinian governments, and terrorism-justifying and -whitewashing NGOs, at least $325 million in US taxpayer cash. It did this even though it knows much if not most of this money will end up in the pockets of terrorists and their families — including those who perpetrated the 10/7 attack.
A sampling of articles and reports about Western funding of Palestinian terrorism
Presented in reverse-chronological order:
Palestinian ‘Pay for Slay’ Keeps Growing, The Wall St. Journal, January 15, 2024.
Palestinian Authority to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3m in 'pay-for-slay', The Jerusalem Post, October 17, 2023.
Exclusive: Jenin mayor says PA 'will always fund martyrs’, i24NEWS, January 19, 2023. Excerpt:
"[The] PA will not stop the transfer of funds. And let me remind you… President Abbas made it clear that the Palestinian authority will not stop funding the families of our martyrs even if we are down to the last penny."
U.S. restores assistance for Palestinians, to provide $235 million in aid, Reuters, April 7, 2021.
June 21, 2020: A 3-minute video message from Stuart Force, father of Capt. Taylor Force*, who was murdered by a Palestinian Islamist terrorist in Israel (*namesake of the Taylor Force Act, passed by Congress in 2018):
VIDEO: Mahmoud Abbas admits PA pays terrorists, The Jerusalem Post, February 27, 2019.
Think tank: Abbas allocates $330 million to pay terrorists, 'martyrs,' inmates, The Times of Israel, December 18, 2018. Excerpt:
“We will not accept a cut or cancellation of salaries to the families of martyrs and prisoners, as some are trying to bring about,” he [PA President Mahmoud Abbas] told representatives of a Palestinian prisoners advocacy group in July. “Even if we have only a penny left, we will give it to the martyrs, the prisoners and their families.”
How much aid does the US give Palestinians, and what’s it for?, The Times of Israel, January 3, 2018.
Passing the Taylor Force Act will mark a vital step in the War on Terror, The Hill, November 15, 2017.
Incentivizing Terrorism: Palestinian Authority Allocations to Terrorists and their Families, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2017.
Abbas lauds 'martyr' who tried to kill IDF soldiers, The Times of Israel, March 10, 2016.
How American taxpayers are funding Palestinian terrorism, The Times of Israel, November 10, 2013.
(5) Update 1: President Biden is considering importing Palestinians to America; Why this would be produce a clear and present danger to US national security
Starting on May 1, 2024 — the first day of Jewish American Heritage Month — it was reported that President Biden is considering importing Palestinians to the US:
Biden admin condemned for considering plans to accept Palestinian refugees: ‘A nation committing suicide’, Fox News, May 2, 2024.
Biden administration weighing measures to help Palestinians bring family from region, AP, May 1, 2024.
The problem is there is no effective way to screen them, to determine which Palestinians are or may be terrorists, or terrorist-supporters, or view America as their “enemy” — and which are genuinely seeking to live in peace, and abide by all of our laws and customs.
The first reason for this is that unlike non-terrorist nations, which have rational criminal and terrorist databases, the “governments” in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are endemically involved in terrorism, crime and corruption. Simply put, we have absolutely no reliable means of screening Palestinians’ backgrounds, beliefs or intents.
Further, for decades, both the “governments” in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have been indoctrinating wave after wave of children to believe their highest mission is to murder Jews and steal the land of Israel. And as this report documents, Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip have consistently, overwhelmingly voiced support among Hamas, both before and after 10/7.
Looking back further, a 2014 survey by Pew Research revealed that Palestinians hate America more than any other people, and 76% view us as their “enemy”:
(6) Update 2: I was interviewed on “The Schilling Show” radio program (Charlottesville, VA) about my report
The interview, with host Rob Schilling, lasts about 8 minutes, and is located here — cue up to the 30:00 mark.
While you are certainly correct in your assessment, one big factor in their support for Hamas is that they've been indoctrinated to hate Israel and Jews from childhood. It's become an inseparable part of Palestinian culture and philosophy. Just as we accept gravity as a fundamental truth about the world, they accept hatred of Jews as a fundamental truth. That doesn't excuse any of their behavior but it may create the slightest bit of compassion for these hate-filled, benighted souls. They literally don't know any better.
All four hostages were found in homes! Homes of who? Well, citizens, I guess…